Sometimes in the use of super-thin cutting sheet, will appear the phenomenon of rupture, why?
1. When the cutting sheet structure is not uniform, with the torque force, thermal stress, vibration and other factors in the cutting process, the stress will accumulate in the weak tissue, leading to fracture.
2. When the cutting resin lacks toughness, because the grinding wheel is always in a state of negative pressure during the cutting process, it inevitably produces lateral stress. When the cutting piece cannot resist the lateral force, the grinding wheel will break.
3. Poor planeness of cutting sheet, uneven cutting sheet structure, high hardness of cutting sheet and lack of toughness of cutting sheet resin. When the planeness of the cutting piece is poor, the cutting face is cambered. As the cutting depth increases, the cutting piece is subjected to increased lateral stress. If the grinding wheel is cracked for many times, the "soft piece" will result in "soft piece".
4. When the hardness of the cutting piece is high, the radial torque force of the cutting piece will increase. As the thickness of the cutting piece is usually less than 4mm, the cutting piece will break.
Therefore, to know the reason of fracture when super-thin cutting sheet cutting, in the future use of attention to avoid these problems.