What is the difference between brown corundum and white corundum?
The price of the abrasive industry is always looming in our lives, and every abrasive is tempered before it is formed. The same is true for brown fused alumina abrasives. What is the bauxite when smelting brown fused alumina? What are the requirements? How can we achieve high quality standards?

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The requirements for smelting brown fused alumina are not high, but the high requirements are the content of alumina and silica. Some manufacturers also have requirements for the compactness of bauxite. The specific requirements are as follows:
1. Alumina content requirements: the content of bauxite is required to be 87 ≤ Al2O3 ≤ 88%, and the three require Al2O3 ≥ 85%. In general, the alumina content should be Al2O3 ≥ 85%;
2, silica content requirements: requires that the SiO2 content of bauxite should not exceed 4%, basically maintained between 2-3.4%;
3, high aluminum material body density: only a brown fused alumina enterprise requires a dense aluminum bauxite at 2.3-2.5g/cm3;
4. Others: For other contents when smelting brown fused alumina, there are two manufacturers that clearly indicate that CaO+MgO cannot be higher than 0.6% or 0.8%. For the problem of CaO content in brown corundum, it is generally required that the lower the content, the better, and ultimately the purpose of reducing impurities. The main method is to reduce the CaO content in brown fused alumina in bauxite or to adjust the refining time.

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Brown fused alumina abrasive price
For the price of brown fused alumina abrasives, the production process of different manufacturers is different, the content of raw materials is different, the composition is different, and the natural price is different.