As the industrial consumables, the cutting fluid is the most widely used in the processing industry, and the stability of the cutting fluid is crucial for the progress of production.
1) Cutting fluid goes moldy and stinky
The cutting fluid becomes moldy and stinky, causing a pungent odor that can easily lead to skin irritation. If such a situation is found, the cooling tank should be cleaned in time and the cutting fluid should be replaced. Causing this kind of situation, generally there is no use of cutting fluid and external environment for a long time, such as small holiday or replacement of processing equipment, equipment does not work during the period of time (two days), should be regularly open cutting fluid circulation, to avoid the emergence of mildew and other conditions .
2) Cutting fluid foaming
The foaming of the cutting fluid can easily lead to insufficient cooling during the machining process, resulting in rapid tool wear and affecting normal operation. If the concentration ratio of the cutting fluid is too high, the water level may be too low. This may happen. It should be adjusted in time, or an appropriate amount of defoamer may be added according to the cutting fluid manufacturer's recommendation to avoid foaming of the cutting fluid.
3) Cutting fluid slick
The cutting fluid slick is generally the hydraulic oil and rail oil on the equipment. As the cutting fluid flows into the cooling tank, an oil-water separator can be added to the cooling tank. Many CNC and machining centers are equipped with oil-water separators when they leave the factory. The use of oil-water separators should be regularly checked for cleaning to prevent the cutting fluid from becoming unstable due to mixing of cutting fluid and oil.
4) The work-piece surface finish is low and easy to rust
Choosing the right cutting fluid can ensure the surface finish of the machined work-piece, affecting the finish is mainly the lubricating property of the cutting fluid, and the proper ratio can guarantee the lubrication. According to the manufacturer's recommended ratio of concentration, after all, the data obtained by the manufacturer through multiple practical tests is more accurate. The cutting fluid also has a certain anti-rust cycle. This cycle is short. After processing, special anti-rust oil should be used to protect the work-piece.
The use of cutting fluids should pay attention to regular inspections, regular replacement of cutting fluids, and selection of reasonable and appropriate concentration ratios. Only in this way can we prevent them and ensure normal production and avoid unnecessary troubles.